Our Governments & Us : COVID-19
The more I watch the news. I see the stupidity is soaring through the sky. Somewhere people are opposing the lock down because it is terrible for the economy. Somewhere, the lock down is enforced without any planning. There are heads of the state who joked about the virus are now infected. For some, Easter is important and for some drama. Millions of the people who live on daily wages are trying to find the way home so they can survive.
Worlds’ most advance medical systems are under severe scrutiny; there are places where doctors are issued HIV kits for COVID-19 tests. There is a global shortage of PPE, ventilators, and isolation wards. No country (except Singapore to some extend) in the world is prepared for the crises of this scale.
The world is coping with a crippled health care system, crippled administration, and crippled democracy. Most governments took the issue too lightly and did not plan for the disaster. Nations will have to pay a massive price for governments’ ignorance and incompetency.
This pandemic is also serving an essential lesson to the people. We, as the people, are required to see beyond our favorite party; we need to start putting our country first and everything else second. Remember, we are the Nation; if we care for the Nation, the Nation will care for us. If your loyalty is towards a party, you are blind and cannot see the shortcomings of the policies or the policymakers.
One of my friends addressed it beautifully. Whether you like a Government or not depends on what your expectations are from the government. If your expectations are -healthcare, education, better economy, and the safety of people, you would recognize that most of the governments have failed.
If a stupid knows that he is stupid, he is wise! In other words, know that you do not know.